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Directions From Greensboro, NC

Directions From Greensboro, NC

Start: Greensboro, NC

  1. Take route 421 to route 87 just south of Sanford.
  2. Take route 87 to Spring Lake.(Highway 24 will join with Highway 87 prior to Spring Lake.
  3. Go through Spring Lake staying on Highway 24.
  4. Continue on Highway 24 (will be Bragg Blvd.) approximately 8 more miles.
  5. Turn left following sign Highway 24 East will be Rowan Street.
  6. Continue on Highway 24 approximately 2.5 miles turn right on Plymouth Street.
  7. Harvest Family Church is one block on the right at the intersection of South Plymouth Street and Clinton Road.

End: 109 South Plymouth Fayetteville, NC 28312


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Our street address is:

109 South Plymouth Street
Fayetteville, NC 28312